Climate Resources: Past. Present, and Future


Resources on Climate

The information below represents a collection of resources useful in assessing climate in the area of Machicomoco State Park, which is in Gloucester County, Virginia. The first link is interactive - the user can easily change parameters and adjust time frames. As the study site is located within the coastal plain of Virginia, along the shores of the York River, hurricanes and sea level rise are of particular interest. The Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) is a premier regional research institute headquartered within Gloucester County. Their local sea level rise predictions are included. Climate change is a current and looming concern regarding biodiversity stewardship. General climate change predictions are offered by NOAA below along with more specific climate predictions as reported by the Chesapeake Bay Program.

NOAA Gloucester Climate (Temp & Precipitation)

NOAA Virginia Hurricane History:

NOAA Climate Change Predictions:

Climate Predictions and Response in Virginia:

VIMS Sea Level Rise Predictions:

VIMS Sea Level Rise Planning Maps:

Air Quality Report for Gloucester, VA


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